D'Vine Body Treatments
Laser Lipo
The laser technique directly penetrates through deep layers of adipose tissue in the treatment area. This procedure is recommended for people that have loose broken up soft fat instead of dense hard fat in the treatment area. During the week after your laser procedure you will secrete the destroyed fatty tissue through your sweat, stool, and urine.
Ultrasonic Cavitation
Cavitation uses ultrasonic waves to remove and destroy the adipose tissue cell membrane. The ultrasonic device is calibrated to liquify the target fat cells, so it will not cause damage to any of your other surrounding body tissue or organs. During the week after your cavitation procedure you will secret the destroyed fatty tissue through sweat, stool, and urine. 35 Minutes
RF Skin Tightening
Utilizes radiofrequency waves which is heat energy for tissue remodeling and production of elastin and new collagen. Underlying tissue contracts to diminish or remove cellulite, reduce body fat, tighten skin, post-op smoothing, body contouring, and reshaping. Radio frequency skin tightening i uses RF energy to heat tissue and stimulate subdermal collagen production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin. 30 Minutes.
D'Vine Brightness
D'Vine Brightness" teeth whitening . With this treatment your teeth can go from Shade 1 to Shade 4 in just 1 Session with us.
D'Vine Derriere Enhancement
Vacuum therapy is used to restore and increase buttocks volume with YOUR own body tissue using a vacuum technique. The vacuum therapy stimulates the muscle and mobilizes the fat. Its promotes natural lifting and tightening of the skin beneath the surface to receive a firm toned look WITHOUT SURGERY. You can gain between one and three inches during your first 30 minute session with our trained, professional technicians. There is no pain and no discomfort, and more importantly, no downtime.
Cellulite Treatment
A customized treatment is used to treat areas which have cellulite or are cellulite prone. We use a variety of techniques which include, but not limited to cavitation, radio frequency heat, wood massage therapy, and sauna wrap cellulite reduction mask.
D'Vine Tummy
Lower Tummy Only
Vibration Plate
Full Body workout in 10 minutes! 10 mins is equivalent to 1 hour of cardio!
D'Vine Quick Slim
Includes: Cavitation, Radio Frequency Skin Tightening, And Detox Slimming Wrap, lasts about 30 mins
D'Vine Makeover
Cavitation/RF /Sauna
D'Vine Makeover 2.0
This treatment uses multiple techniques including Laser Lipo, Ultrasonic Cavi, Skin tightening,vibration, and sauna to target your area of preference.
Mini D'Vine Makeover
Laser Lipo/Cavitation/Sauna
RF Lift
Facial Lift using RF, geared toward double chin area
Breast Enhancement
This technique lifts, tightens and enhances the breast.